Friday, November 28, 2014

"Christmas is doing something a little extra for someone"

With the holiday season being upon us, is it me or were the Christmas festivities unleashed exceptionally early this year? Though I may be swimming in a pool of paperwork and finding a slow start with the festivities, I'm easing into the celebrations with the little things, bit by bit.

 2013 countdown begins.
Downtown lights, ©France S

The one thing I love about starting December is, no doubt, the merriment and excessive indulging.I can now shamelessly enjoy Michael Buble and his endless collection of Christmas songs, or indulge in a Peppermint White Mocha at Starbucks. Everyone just seems in better spirits, despite any end of term chaos that ensues.
 Every year, without fail, I make sure I am armed with an advent calendar. One of those generic Frosty the Snowman, Disney Princess types. With cardboard-y tasting chocolate to be specific. It takes all my will power not to open all the windows and devour the 25 milk chocolate squares at once, but I pull through it every year. One at a time.

Advent Calendar Goodies, ©France S

Advent calendars are an exercise of patience, self-discipline and, well, restraint. A theme that is ever-present in the Christmas season. Patience with long holiday lineups. Self-discipline when faced with dinner spreads. Restraint on all that shopping to be done.

This year, I wanted to add something fun to that endeavor. Advent calendars, 2.0. I set my mind to making my own advent calendars for some lucky recipients, gathering materials early on in November. Envelopes, wrapping paper, boxes.

Candy canes, chocolates. Edible joy.

 Envelope Advent Calendar, ©France S

Making DIY advent calendars were harder than they looked. Wrapping small items, strategic placement of envelopes. Even the search for goodies to put in was a challenge in itself. After some long hours sitting cross legged on the floor, with materials spread out, I was able to put it all together. Three to be precise. Once they were all filled and ready to go, I delivered them in hopes that any form of temptation would be resisted before December hits.

Whether you go with DIY or stick with a store bought one, I maintain that everyone needs an advent calendar for a daily surprise. Make your mornings, afternoons or evenings just a little bit more amusing. It doesn't even have to be fancy - you can snatch one up for as little as a dollar (plus tax) while you still have time.

But hey, holiday season only comes around once a year, so take a plunge and spoil yourself a bit. 

Here's to a happy December!

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