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Okay, so whether you’re a student nearing the end of the
semester or employed fulltime, you’re probably preparing yourselves mentally
for the weeks to come: exams, final projects, Christmas shopping, etc. It’s
stressful, chaotic and just far from relaxing.
Viable coping methods could include alcohol (see previous post), food with copious amounts of sugar or grease (see other previous post) or how
about both?
That's how I deal, at least. On the days where I spend hours frantically trying to master InDesign with a deadline in the very near future (I mean in like 9 hours...), I feel the need to counteract my frustration with some sort of guilty pleasure like retail therapy or seven-dollar lattes. But honestly, (as unladylike as it may be) going for a pint and poutine or something equally as greasy with someone is my perfect remedy for any school and/or holiday-related stress. I like to justify my unhealthy choices by taking a long walk to or from the bar of choice. So that's exactly what I did this weekend (and every other weekend).
A perfect winter night after a stressful day of last minute assignment-tackling consisted of a bundled up hunt for the perfect pint/poutine spot. Equipped with a camera and an empty stomach, we explored Chinatown and Strathcona, and ended up in Olympic Village where we stumbled upon Craft Beer Market. 100 beers on tap? Sold. And poutine that doesn't suck? Double sold.
But seriously guys, it's so tough to stay relaxed around this time of year. Forget your diets for a night and indulge in something you probably shouldn't be indulging in. You won't regret it. Just kidding, you'll definitely regret it, but it will be so worth it.
All-black everything this season:
Scarf: Zara
Coat: Zara
Sweater: Oak + Fort
Denim: Dutil
Boots: Jeffrey Campbell
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